The application was developed in 2013 at the laboratory of visualization and computer graphics at the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University for the Russian Museum.
Objective: to make all the people in the picture of Chernetsov interactive. But there is one thing, there are 223 people in the picture. Moreover, it should be a cross-platform application.
The application was created in Unity 3. Each interactive object in the scene was cut out with an alpha channel and put on a separate object. A database of all elements with texts and audio tracks was created.
The text of the application on the website of the Russian Museum:
The application can be downloaded from the
App Store: blackberries-parad/id881440567?mt=8
Google Play:
# application # app # чернецов # парадНаЦарицыномЛугу # картина # русскиймузей